Saturday 18 September 2010

Fig, Garlic & Herb Cheese & Watercress Sandwich

Close but no cigar... I've been working with this recipe for a while, and I know it's got the potential. BUT, the sweet savoury balance still isn't quite right. Possible thoughts? Fresh figs might be the answer, or more cheese spread or (jeez, too many options!) a smattering of beautiful strawberry or berry jam. Any suggestions or input welcome!

'Til then, I'll keep working to FIG-ure it out. Ho ho ho, too funny...

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to make a version of this this weekend and send you my results. I'm thinking toasted ciabatta drizzled with balsamic vinegar, topped with blue cheese, rocket and fresh figs. And a healthy dose of cracked black pepper, of course. And I may de-veganise it with serrano/parma ham because I am a heathen, as you pointed out earlier. But still. Will let you know how it turns out!

    Jax x
